Common Questions
Here you will find the common questions for your booking, if you have a question that is not listed please feel free to contact us.
Average pricing for our vehicles can range anywhere from $100-$275 per hour. It depends on the dates booked (holidays, weekends vs. weekdays, weeknights), desired locations, and amount of time. We have a minimum of 4 hours for most parties, but do offer flat rate transportation on Lake Parties when you also book a Party Boat with us at Austin's Boat Tours. Visit our online reservations page for equipment, pricing and availability. To get a custom quote, please fill out the contact form or call us at 476-LIMO with specific details about your party and we will customize a fair price to meet your needs.
Really depends on which vehicle you choose.
Yes you can! However, if you bring alcohol everyone in your party must be at least 21 years of age. We cannot buy or provide alcohol to you (TABC law) but if you run out on the trip we can definitely stop somewhere and you can buy more. We have a cooler you can use but you may want to bring additional coolers of your own.
Sorry, but there is no smoking at anytime on any of the ATX vehicles. The enclosed area does not allow enough ventilation for cigarette smoking. We also have to make sure no damage is done to the vehicle from cigarette burns, etc. If some people in the vehicle need to smoke, just ask the driver to pull over at the next convenient location and he will let you out to smoke. We do allow eCigs/Vapor but you may want to limit their use in consideration of your fellow passengers.
If anyone starts to feel like they are going to be sick, please let the driver know as soon as possible so he can pull over. Otherwise please be aware of where the trash bin is located in the bus, especially if you are prone to motion sickness. If a mess made in the vehicle, there is a cleaning charge of $100.
The van has a bluetooth FM transmitter, the transport buses each have bluetooth speakers and the bus has a built in sound system. All can be connected to the device of your choice.
No we do not have a bathroom but we can stop for you when necessary.
Once you have decided to book your party, there is a $250 non refundable deposit to hold your reservation and you can pay the remainder at the end of your party. Please use the online reservations page to make your booking or use the contacts page to request assistance. You can also give us a call if you prefer to book over the phone.
There is a driver's fee added to all reservations. This fee is paid to the drivers for their services. Additional tipping is not required but if you feel like your driver went above and beyond and want to tip them more you can do so by paying them directly via cash, PayPal or Venmo.
No one wants to have this happen but if it does, the credit card used to reserve the bus will be charged for any damage caused by your group. This includes cleaning charges for sickness in or on the bus, ripped seats, broken electrical equipment, etc. We will get a quote to have the damage repaired and pass that charge on to you. You will also be responsible for any direct losses which result from the bus being "out of service" while repairs are completed.